Friday, April 14, 2006

look clouds

What a day yesterday.
And this time, I knew where my sunglasses were.
I think it's supposed to rain most of the weekend again, though...poo.

I took a bunch of my knitted FO's (finished objects) and new yarn purchases outside for a photo shoot under natural light, and I'll get those posted soon.

But not right now.
Gotta go.

Busy day of rehearsing with Dandelion Dancetheater. Five hours on-site at the location where the performances will take place this summer in San Francisco (which means Friday commute traffic in and out of TheCity, both directions. Lovely).

(not a view from my house, btw...I wish)


strangelittlemama said...

ha, I was just coming to ask if that was your view!!
We're actually having a cloudy day here-- horrors!