Sunday, May 13, 2007

i wonder why it isn't "mom's fly free"?

MyFavoriteKid was slated to spend this weekend at his dad, and actually...that's just fine by me. I'm one of those moms that thinks the best Mother's Day is the kind that she has OFF.

My perfect Mother's Day scenario:
breakfast in bed
a handmade card
a big fat hug and kiss
...followed quickly by the gift of peace and quiet.

This year it went a little different.

We celebrated with my Mom a day early, by taking her out to lunch on Saturday. After that, MyFK's Dad picked him up, so I had last night and today free to myself. MyFK went to the beach today with his Dad and Grandma, which is now becoming their annual tradition. When MyFK and his dad get back from the beach (which should be in any minute, actually) they are taking me out to dinner. How great is that??!

One time another mom told me what kind of mom she thought I was for not spending the whole entire day with my kid.
Personally, I think that this mom gets the best of both worlds.

Let me share about what we did yesterday with my folks before taking my mom out to lunch!

One day, when MyFK was visiting my parents, they took him to the local airport (general aviation/small craft/private planes) to watch the planes take off and land. This is a big deal in my family. It's totally in our blood. When I was a kid, my dad had an airplane.

Dad and I in Mexico

When MyFK and my parents were watching the planes, the three of them got to talking, and MyFK expressed that he'd really like to go up in a small plane sometime. My mom told him that she'd talk to me about it and look into it as a possible gift for his 10th birthday this June. My mom and dad went into the airport to scope things out this week, and discovered that they were giving kids free airplane rides this weekend! Can't beat free (but we did find out that they will give a one hour session for $60...30 minutes on the ground learning about the plane, and 30 minutes in the air...quite a deal).

MyFk loved it. As did we, just being on the ground and watching. What a great experience.

Apparently this organization called the EAA has a Young Eagles Progam. It's all volunteer run, and they do this event several times throughout the year in various cities.
Check it out!


Anonymous said...

After getting up at 6:00 a.m., to drive to another town to my sister's church for my new niece's baby dedication, lunch at my parents' house with my in-laws and loads of extended family in attendance, driving myself and family home during a sleepy time of the afternoon, icing a big goose-egg on my 3 year-old's head while simultaneously dealing with her nosebleed, ordering and picking up takeout for dinner (mother's day doncha know, so i don't have to cook, just take care of dinner another way), getting kids to bed, shopping for and booking hotel for short vacation next weekend and making plans with friend for said vacation, I've got to say that the idea of just having the day to myself for a bath, a nap and some knitting time would've been a hell of a gift. Nobody gets to decide what you might enjoy on Mother's Day, and they sure don't get to judge your parenting based on that either. (And yeah, I know that every one of the things I just listed is something I'm lucky to have the chance to do. I'm just saying it's work. And a break would be nice sometimes.)

M-H said...

Another mom told you *what*? Was she jealous or what? It's your day to spend how you choose.

Carrie said...

What a great Mom's Day! Wow, flying with the FK. That sounds fun.

Pffft on people who tell you what they think (heehee). Why shouldn't we get a day of relaxation? I got a weekend off from cleaning the house, which was nice... of course, no one else cleaned the house, either, so today will be back to work! =) Glad you had a good weekend!

Gray said...

That sounds lie an excellent Mother's Day!

JessZ said...

Sounds like you and the FK had a great time. Wish I could get free airplane rides! Being up in the air is just about my favorite thing.

Romi said...

How totally cool that your son got to fly! And a happy belated Mother's Day to you. :)

Anonymous said...

Man, people will get in your face about everything, won't they? Geez!

That picture of your FK waving from the plane is pretty great, as is that last shot of the wristband. Thanks for sharing 'em.

Sheepish Annie said...

Mother's Day is for mom! A nice day of quiet sounds like just the thing, really. You have a better relationship with YFK because you both know how to celebrate the other one in a meaningful way.

Plane rides! How fun!!!!

Hannah said...

I love the free flying you got to do on Sunday. The key, as you show, is definitely finding a balance that makes both parent and child feel loved. Sounds like your son got some real, genuine loving on both Saturday and Sunday. He came home, I'm sure, to a refreshed Mama that could really engage.