Monday, March 10, 2008


I complain about it every time, so how 'bout I just give an image:

Daylight Savings Time makes me feel like a CrankyPants*


BUSY week ahead. MyFavoriteKid and I are going to a concert tonight (Linkin Park), and this week he has two performances (choral first, then band). As for me, I have rehearsals this week, and then a performance on Saturday. Oh, and let us not forget that Friday night we have a wild night of Bunko at the clubhouse. So we basically have something going on every single night. Yay, chaos!

Could be a mixed bag on the blog this week.

Maybe this week's "things around my house" will be a show-n-tell of how many dirty dishes and piles of laundry I will have managed to bury myself under.

* Found these cute pants by doing a google image search on the word "cranky", and it looks like you can buy them here. Or knowing who comes to this blog, just whack out a pair yourself ;-)


Lorena said...

Want! Must make CrankyPants. Must!!!!

~Donna~ said...

Waaaaaaant...or maybe even the Sock Monkey Pants!!! oooh...would make cute pajama shorts in an adult size, no?

Kim Ayres said...

Is that a built in cameltoe?

MsAmpuTeeHee said...

Lorena ~ Yes. Want.

Donna ~ I'm feeling ya'. Pj bottoms.

Kim ~ HA! Thanks for the guy perspective LOL. If I/we knit these, I guess we better take out the part where the diapers go LOL.