Monday, March 31, 2008

riley the guest blogger on neutering

Wellllll...I fell asleep.... and when I woke up....
they were gone...

(I still have no camera. This photo was actually taken last week by TheMostImportantGuy on HIS new camera. I swear the DogDog does not always look so sad, nor does he have reason to. He is quite happy, and so are we. He just has "the face"!)


Kim Ayres said...

I'll just sit wit hmy legs tightly crossed for a while...

M-H said...

I just figured out you called him Riley... awwww... was it after my cat? If it was please don't tell him; it would be just too humiliating for the poor little guy. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, he is just so cute. :)