Sunday, January 24, 2010

snaps on saturday (on a sunday)

Oops. I guess my Blog365 attempt just became Blog364. Oh, well. I'll still keep at it.

I had taken that photo Saturday morning with the intent to post it last night, but I totally passed out from exhaustion before remembering to post it. Saturday I was up at 4:30am to be back at the retreat by 6am (oh, and Friday was a full day of practice, not home until 10:30 either!). Yesterday was full with zen practice, but also the spinning class and the dance rehearsal, and then back to the zendo more not home again until 10:30-ish! And today, Sunday, back up at 4:30am again!! I am soooo tired.

I had wanted to log on to post this a couple of hours ago, so I could finally crash, but the power has been out all evening.

I'm not sure if one single thing I have written has made any sense at all and I'm too exhausted to read it an edit, so please forgive me if it makes no sense and just scroll back up and look at the pretty picture.

I'll be back tomorrow.