I RECONNOITERED IN MY WOOL-ROOM YESTERDAY; it is full of possibilities for the New Year. Another Aran perhaps, to start off with? Should it blow tradition and be hooded? Six pairs of socks for the Old Man? His "Woodsman's Sock" shelf is groaning, but the ranks of the lighter socks are thinning. Cushion-covers? What a chance for experiment with color-patterns and Aran curlicues. A shawl with a ten-inch lace border, and perhaps design the border myself? I never did design a lace-pattern. A huge afghan to keep one's knees warm while being knitted? A lace edging for a valance, why not? A revolutionary pot-handler? Hey! a Knitted Icebox for camping and picnics?
By this time next year some of these will have been achieved, and some scorned and abandoned. Some as yet undreamed-of whims will have taken shape. I'm ready for them; my mind is open, my wool-room full of wool, my needles poised, my brain spinning like a Catherine-wheel. There are plenty of pencils -- I think -- and where did I see that old block of squared paper?
My word, such good fortune. I can only hope the same for you.
(she was kinda like the Julia Child
of the knitting world,
for those who aren't familiar),
from the "Knitter's Almanac".

Thank you all so much for joining me here during 2010.
Blessing and best wishes to you for a joyous and prosperous New Year!
How lovely! Happy new year, Miss 'Hee! Thank you for sharing your year with us, ups and downs and all. OXOXOX
il.comBest wishes for the New Year!
And, by the way, the wall hanging is named Citrus, and that is why I thought it would be perfect for a California girl.
Happy New Year to you too!!
Love, Karen TDL
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