We. Have. Arrived.
It's been two weeks since moving day, and although there is still plenty of unpacking to be done, the house is in a pleasantly liveable state.
Here's a tiny bit of my kitchen...
My BrightFuckingOrangeKitchen. Which I am totally in love with. Besides being so vibrant, it is open to the diningroom and most of livingroom, so I don't feel isolated when I am cooking. The kitchen in the old house was totally closed off to the rest of the house, which was great for hiding a mess, but I do much better when I am forced to clean up because it is visible, and when I dont have to be alone while doing it. In the old kitchen, even if someond did want to keep me company, there was no place for them to sit or even stand without getting in the way. Cooking and cleanin up had become a punishmnet. Like being on detention or something. I didn't enjoy cooking, and it all explains why the dishes would pile up, too.
Not in this house, though. Now I can clean up after cooking and be talking to people or be watching tv or listening to music. Of course, the new house has this sweet little baby, which aint hurtin' any:
yes, that is me taking a picture of myself kissing my dishwasher. I wonder how long it will be before my neighbors find out what a loon I am
Soon there will be a breakfast bar installed attached to the main kitchen counter, and then folks can sit and hang out and visit and eat while I cook.
This house is built for entertaining. WHEEEE!! (come on over. anytime. seriously. take me up on it. this is the first time in a long time that I would actually not dread surprise visits.)
The kitchen is already organized to the point of amazing efficiency, and I will show you some of that soon, as well as tell you a bit about how it got that way...because yes, it IS just that interesting how it got that way.
More soon, but today is the day I upack THE YARN!