We. Have. Arrived.
It's been two weeks since moving day, and although there is still plenty of unpacking to be done, the house is in a pleasantly liveable state.
Here's a tiny bit of my kitchen...
My BrightFuckingOrangeKitchen. Which I am totally in love with. Besides being so vibrant, it is open to the diningroom and most of livingroom, so I don't feel isolated when I am cooking. The kitchen in the old house was totally closed off to the rest of the house, which was great for hiding a mess, but I do much better when I am forced to clean up because it is visible, and when I dont have to be alone while doing it. In the old kitchen, even if someond did want to keep me company, there was no place for them to sit or even stand without getting in the way. Cooking and cleanin up had become a punishmnet. Like being on detention or something. I didn't enjoy cooking, and it all explains why the dishes would pile up, too.
Not in this house, though. Now I can clean up after cooking and be talking to people or be watching tv or listening to music. Of course, the new house has this sweet little baby, which aint hurtin' any:
yes, that is me taking a picture of myself kissing my dishwasher. I wonder how long it will be before my neighbors find out what a loon I am
Soon there will be a breakfast bar installed attached to the main kitchen counter, and then folks can sit and hang out and visit and eat while I cook.
This house is built for entertaining. WHEEEE!! (come on over. anytime. seriously. take me up on it. this is the first time in a long time that I would actually not dread surprise visits.)
The kitchen is already organized to the point of amazing efficiency, and I will show you some of that soon, as well as tell you a bit about how it got that way...because yes, it IS just that interesting how it got that way.
More soon, but today is the day I upack THE YARN!
The house looks fantastic. That photo of you kissing the dishwasher, I know the feeling. Now I'm just waiting for a tour of the rest of the place.
I love a kitchen that lets the cook socialize whilst cutting and chopping and stirring. Our old kitchen was like yourss, nowhere that a second person could exist without being in the way.
I have an orange countertop, circa 1976, that would look fabulous in your orange kitchen. :)
Welcome home! I love the kitchen and think you are going to be super-happy in the new place.
I love that orange!! Hmm, I never kissed the dishwasher, but I did hug the walls a lot when we first got our home!!
Maybe I should go kiss the dishwasher in case it felt left out of the love.
Glad you are enjoying your new home. The first thing I noticed in the photo was the kitchen color and I love it!
I don't know why I had this image of you being blonde.
I love it!!! I can't wait for the rest of the tour! You better be careful about inviting people for visits...I'm dying to head out west. ;-)
YAY!!! Congrats on getting such a great kitchen. Hmmm...instead of cussing out my dishwasher, maybe I should show it some love...
Welcome back!
I'm so glad to read this. Congratulations and mazeltov and all that good luck stuff. Mwah! Mwah!
Lurve the orange! And I totally know what you mean about a kitchen that works. Happy cooking!
Welcome back! The kitchen looks great. And I agree with ya on the dish washer. I am in love with mine. hehe
I LOVE your orange kitchen! Your neighbors are very lucky to have you, loonytunes and all. =) My dishwasher was broken for a month last summer, and I was kissing the new one!
Hey, mazeltov! (And I know exactly how you feel about having a dishwasher. Oh, yeah, baby.)
The reason why so many fast food restaurants in the '70s were decorated in bright orange was that somebody did a study in color psychology and discovered that this is a color which makes us hungry. So it really is perfect for a kitchen.
I'm sure knowing that makes ALL the difference. ;)
Aren't dishwashers just the best thing EVER?
I love the orange. I also a love a kitchen that opens up to the rest of the house. Our house has that now and I enjoy entertaining so muc more.
Wow. Yummy. Fantastic.
Way to go... looking forward to reading you again.
Yay!!!!! I absolutely LOVE the orange. Did you have it painted? It's awesome.
I'm so so so happy you've moved and area happy. When's the knit-in dinner? :)
Wow, that looks great! I'm so glad that you are finally on the other side of the legal nightmare, moved in and and unpacked.
I absolutely love the photo of the dishwasher kiss, and as a parent who lived years without one, I fully understand.
Happy nesting, and thanks for the post.
Awesome and congratulations! I totally get the kissing the dishwasher thing. And lucky you, to have an open (and orange!) kitchen and a home for entertaining. I look forward to more pics!
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