Saturday, November 24, 2007


I sit here feeling like I need to say more than I'm sorry....
but I am no good with words.

Instead, I try knitting you something, to make you warm.


Feeling like my own apologetic words are not enough...
Feeling like warmth coming from my hands is not enough...

I turn to the all knowing internets.
Surely someone else has written a powerful sentiment that rings true,
and I shall offer that!!

In my quest for the perfect apology, I end up here...
and I laugh at myself.
And feel a little better.

I decide that offering the laugh is a better choice than someone else's words.
If that doesn't work, maybe I'll try the mature glamour stockings, or perhaps some black ghetto booty.

Really, though. I know that an apology is not enough, and that what really You require is my understanding.
I DO understand. And I am sorry.


Carrie said...

Ouch. This was very heartfelt. I hope everything works out.

Janice in GA said...

It's all right, I forgive you.

Wait, you weren't talking to ME?


/slinks away and hopes everything is ok/