Thursday, July 10, 2008

total cop out

It's Things Around My House Thursday, and I just got home from dance class, and it's almost midnight. I'm trashed. It just aint gonna happen.

When I finally arrived home, I was greeted by the cutey patooty, dog....

and the pile of shredded newspaper that he'd created by eating the local doggie newspaper.

Not sure if he's got "the face" because he feels guilty for making a mess, or if he feels sickly 'cuz he ate a wad o' print.


Carrie said...

I am so impressed that you're posting that late at night! Perhaps cutie patootie thinks you should get him a doggie friend? Or perhaps the shredded paper is saying, "Don't even think about it"....

jodi said...

The bright side: he's eating his own stuff, not yours. And every thing he eats that makes his tummy hurt may make your dearest stuffed toys a little safer.

MsAmpuTeeHee said...

carrie ~ doggie DEFINITELY wants me to get him his own pet. I don't think I can handle two though. I'll just have to keep up with the regular trips to the doggie park!

jodi ~ true!!