Monday, August 04, 2008


This blog is named "AmpuTeeHee" because when I started out, the intention was for it to be a place for me to record all of the silly and stupid thoughts I had (or things people had said to me) about being a one legged gimp.

Since this blog's beginning, the byline has been:

because being an amputee is often quite funny

Here we are, more than four years later, and the content is now rarely about being a one legged gimp.

I have been thinking of changing the byline to:

far too many parentheses and ellipses

So, whaddya think?!

PS...Happy 65th Birthday Dad!!
Does this make you an honorary member of the OFC**??
Or maybe The Grand Poobah or something???

**Old Farts Club ;-)


Anonymous said...

I still contend you can not have too many ellipses.

The Bon said...

It doesn't roll quite as easily as the old tag line. But I'm not coming up with anything that means the same that sounds any less clunky.

Carol said...

How about "because blogging is easier than kung fu"?

I'm still thinking...

MsAmpuTeeHee said...

derek ~ fancy seeing you here! And I still contend that the ellipses and parentheses mirror my speaking style. But you wouldn't know that unless you ever had a chance to speak with me!

thebon ~ I betcha I leave it the same ;-)

carol ~ hahahahahahaha It was funny in the first place, but then even funnier when I tried to imagine one legged me doing kung fu. Hahahaha.

jane said...

i like your title - it grabbed me when i surfed in via the "next blog" link...

i've changed mine three times but i think this third time is the charm.

that being said, i'm allover yoyr new title -

Kim Ayres said...

Shouldn't that be:

"(far) too many parentheses and ellipses..."

MsAmpuTeeHee said...

jane ~ yeah, I have to come up with something new!

Kim ~ omg, you totally cracked me up

Carol said...

See how much better I'm getting? I didn't even send you a paranoid email asking if I'd crossed the line between humor and inappropriate. (;

MsAmpuTeeHee said...

carol ~ But you DID check back to see if I replied! hahahahaha (for the record, you have offended me, and you *always* leave me giggling) XO

Anonymous said...

I'll keep reading it, whatever you call it. As long as it's not, you know, a title that personally requests that I not read. Actually, then I'd be checking for updates obsessively...
Maybe when I grow up and start my own blog, it'll be called, "Please don't read this". **Off to google now to see if it's already been done.**

MsAmpuTeeHee said...

not supergirl ~ hahaha!!