Saturday, September 06, 2008

snaps on saturday

The dog likes the kitten. And vice versa.


The Bon said...


Lorena said...

The gravitational pull of the cuteness is sucking me in! Must! Rub! Kitteh belleh!

jodi said...

(cue violins)

". . . and they could never, EVER tear us apart. . . "

Carol said...

A matched set.

Janice in GA said...

Yeah. almost the same color.

It's fated.

Unknown said...

eeeee! so adorable!!! ridiculously frickin cute! congrats on the new baby :)

~Donna~ said...

OMG!!!! Too flippin' cute. just wanna curl up with them and pet them and love them...and... and... Congrats on the new family member. :)

(formerly) no-blog-rachel said...

So cute! And their colors coordinate!

M-H said...

I think you've shown us all where this has gone. Congratulations on the new addition to your family.

MonikaRose said...

Just beautiful, friendship for life