Wednesday, November 12, 2008

i understand why there is a need for such things, but....

...what does the need for rules like this say about the state of things??

Oh, yes. And it's almost certain that I'd be the one waltzing in donning my handknit beret and Jackie-O shades.
Please do not sound the alarms.
I'm harmless.


Kim Ayres said...

Any blind people wearing sunglasses are screwed.

Especially as they wouldn't have been able to read the sign anyway...

Pickyknitter said...

They have this at my bank too. Do people think it is so breezy inside that they have to wear a hood? I wonder what would happen in a woman was wearing a burqa.

Barbara from Nova Scotia said...

Time to move to Canada. To my knowledge banks here haven't gone to such extreme measure. Yet.