Saturday, July 11, 2009

snaps on saturday

All taken this afternoon, a few seconds apart, while standing in the front yard of TheMostImportantGuy's parents house....


In terms of the headaches today? A wee twinge behind the right eyeball today, but hooray! No migraine.

MyFavoriteKid left with his dad today for the weekend, so today I spent the whole of it with TheMIG visiting TheMIG's dad (TheMIG's mom has taken a little ClubMed vacation with the niece that visited us recently).

The evening was spent with take-out Thai food from a new restaurant in town, watching Pineapple Express on dvd, and...well...."date night". ;-)


Carol said...


MsAmpuTeeHee said...

Carol ~ thanks :-) imagine what I could do if I knew how to use anything but the shutter button on my camera LOLOL