Sunday, July 25, 2010

drumroll please!

TheMostImportantGuy officiated, and using a random number generator, we have the winners of the 1000 Posts Contest.

4 ~ bibliogrrl
31 ~ Kathy
11 ~ Dani

For those who won, please shoot me an email with your (postal) mailing address (AmpuTeeHee [at] hotmail [dot] com), and I will get your giftcard out in the mail toot-sweet!

For those who didn't win, fear not! There will another contest this fall for the 5th Anniversary of TheBlog. Stay tuned in mid-September.

Thank you all SO much for your comments and your ongoing support (thanks for de-lurking, too---I didn't even know some of you were out there!). This blog means so much to me when it simply acts as just my journal, but it means so much more when I get a chance to experience how it connects me with the world outside of my own (crazy!) head.

I appreciate you all.


not supergirl said...

Glad it worked out so well. I know I'm one of those people who reads regularly but rarely comments. I never know whether I should make a comment when I have little to add...

~Donna~ said...

Yay for the winners!

Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve for later. :)

bibliogrrl said...

HOLY CRAP! (says the girl who never wins anything!). Hooray!