Thursday, August 30, 2012

hwah hwah hwaaaahhh

It's very late, and I am just home from dance class.  When I pulled up, I saw that my ass-hat neighbor's truck was parked in his driveway....and that he had left the cab light on.

I thought about being a good Samaritan and knocking on his door to let him know so that his battery wouldn't be dead in the morning...but that's all I did. 
Think about it.  

Hwah hwah hwaaaahhh....(I'm not sure how to spell that sound where you're laughing out of the corner of your mouth because someone or something just bombed, like a bad joke...but you get the idea, I suppose). 

Well, I think it's safe to guess who won't be knocking on my door for a jump start in the morning at least!