Sunday, September 23, 2012

many a missed photo-op!

Things I could have taken photos of today, but somehow managed not to:

~ a photo of the harvested romaine lettuce, spinach, arugula, and basil from the garden containers that I did this morning.
~  a photo of the gorgeous (and absolutely delicious) roasted shrimp with orzo pasta salad that I made for friends that came over for lunch and crafting.
~ a photo of the pitcher of lime daiquiris I made so we could wash down the pasta.
~ a photo of us enjoying our lunch and daiquiris, or of us having dessert while knitting on the patio.
~ a photo of us barely getting any knitting done thanks to too many daiquiris.

I didn't take photos of any of those things!
Instead I only managed to take a photo of this:

The dead redwood tree sprig that was floating overhead dangling by what I assume was a spiderweb.  I found it rather magical as it spun in the breeze, as if it were being controlled by the Forest Nymph of the Redwood or something.

Interesting, but certainly not the highlight of the day ;-)