Sunday, January 26, 2014

hate to say it, but...

.... it's true. It's Sunday night, and I have a date with my TV.

Downton Abbey, Masterpiece Mystery (Sherlock), Girls, and True Detective (which if you are not watching that one, you are missing something truly magical).

It makes me a little sick to say it, but my least favorite on this list is the one I was anticipating most, and that's Downton. Is it just me?? Something doesn't feel quite right to me this season.  I don't think it's the characters or the story lines (do I just miss Matthew or something??).  I actually think it's something to do with the editing. It's like the pacing of the scenes is not quite right.  I never get to drop into jumps around too much.  Is it me?   Share your thoughts. Please. Because it's bumming me out. And then go watch True Detective ;-)

back to the glow of the tube....


Sarah said...

I am totally with you on Downton and True Detective. Each of the TD episodes is worth two viewings, whereas with Downton, I don't care as much any more. Yes, it seems like little segments thrown together with little emotional pull, a little too pat. You can guess what's going to happen but there is no edge. Pity. True Detective is a wonder.

Pickyknitter said...

Sitting thru Downton waiting for Sherlock was true physical suffering. Then I fell asleep and missed Sherlock anyway.