I've been doing life on one leg since '04, and I have no problem finding the humor in it.
I am also:
* a single mom (to MyFavoriteKid)
* a sweetheart (to TheMostImportantGuy)
* a longtime knitter and newbie spinner
* a practicing buddhist
* a volunteer at convalescent hospitals
* a retired caterer and dedicated foodie
* a professional dance teacher and performer (yes, on just the one leg!)
right there with you girl...only I went to read...
brain... overload... restart... now... commence... knitting...
ahhhhhhhh ^_^
hope you feel refreshed.
Knitting? Good for the soul.
I'm with Donna...I turn to reading. Or playing with my pupster (you can see a picture of him on my blog if you're a dog person). :)
donna ~ seems like I only read in the bathroom lately LOL
naomi ~ a little bit! thanks!
lorena ~ ahhhh, yesss. I remember now!
ekc ~ total dog person. Now with dog!
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