Tuesday, December 19, 2006

this blogpost brought to you courtesy of our sponsor, insomnia

Thanks to all who saw my request for mojo and are workin' it.
Today's the big day.
It's oh-dark-thirty and I can't sleep. So blogging it is.

This is how it's been explained to me...how today will work. We'll probably all be in the same room for a bit, and the MediatorMan will go over general guidelines and formalities. Then my attorneys and I will go off into one little room, and the defendants will go into their separate little room, and the MediatorMan will go back and forth from room to room all day long, telling us what the other side had to say about...well, everything.

The whole process has been described to me as similar to what happens while bargaining at a car dealership.

"Mr.Salesperson, I would like the 0% apr with the leather upgrade and power everything, please."

"Ms.AmpuT, I've reviewed it with my finance manager, and we can give you that rate and the leather, but not the power package...although for you, I'd be glad to throw in the plushy floor mats and a 'new car' smelling deodorizer tree."

You get the idea.

My attorney tells me that there will be many hours spent in this little room with no activity.
He has even directed me to bring knitting (my kinda guy).

Being that I have no laptop (major drag on a day like today) this is what is in my satchel to keep me entertained and distracted (I doubt anything will keep me calm):

The I-Need-To-Be-Mentally-Engaged Knitting Project.
The Lace. So that the open spaces remind me to breathe. (update: I'm on repeat 10 of what I think shall be 14....woohoo!)

The I-Need-Me-A-Hug Knitting Project.
TheMIG's socks in Trekking XXL, so that I remember what feeling safe feels like (update: I'm on the cuff of sock #2)

The Damn-I-Wish-I-Had-A-Friend0-With-Me Podcasts.
I have been saving a few podcasts up just for this day. In the earbuds: Cast-On, Sticks and String, Lime and Violet.

The Please-I-Can't-Take-No-More-Words Music.
Also in the buds: Marvin Suicide, and Thom Yorke's solo album The Eraser.

Can-I-Leave-Here-And-Come-To-Your-World Toys.
Nintendo DS loaded with Animal Crossing and Nintendogs. So I can pick weeds, go fishing, and pet cute little puppies.

Chocolate. Two flavors.

Ok-Now-I-Need-Help .
Tiny little pills. 'Nuff said.

Carrie the Barefoot Cobbler tagged me with the meme that is just flying everywhere around the blogosphere...so fast I almost have whiplash...you know the meme, the one where you describe 6 strange things about yourself? And then tag a bunch of other people to do it?

Well, I already did this. Not officially with this run. But I did it.
Wayyyy back in October. And I've decided it counts.
Read here.
It even has pictures. Awww.

I am now supposed to now tag 7 people and have them follow my lead.

I hate to do this (and nothing personal Carrie, my love!), but I aint doin' it.
I was the one who broke chain letters, in elementary school. See, I did it the first time. The one when you were in 6th grade and you sent a dollar to the person on the top of the list and then were supposed to be rich? Nada. Zip. I am sure this is why I am poor today.

I don't even know 7 other bloggers that are un-tagged!! (unless Mister Randumb is out there and needs something to play with). I could probably find a few bloggers if I spent some time on the computer, but see above: Today is not my day for that. And by tomorrow, anyone left in my circle of blogs will have been tagged anyhow.

This party-pooper has spoken.
So it be written, so it be done.

And last but not least...
You ever wanted to see TheAmpuT dance but couldn't make it to one of her shows??

Here ya' go.

Lifted from Cara.
Who I swear to god, says jump, and I say how high.
"Knit lace!" says Cara. I knit the lace.
"Rip the lace!" says she. I rip it.
"I'm playing this tweakin' online game!"... so I click and I get sucked in, too.
"Buy my stuff!"...I do. (totally awesome, btw...and I think sold out...but you can always ask)
"Click here! It's funny!"...and I do. And it IS funny (if you didn't click that link of me "dancing" you are totally missing out).

Lady, if I'm ever rich enough to hire a personal motivator, and you need a job, you've got it bagged ;-)
Just don't go askin' me to do yer dirty work.
Although clearly you know who to call if you need a hit man LOLOL.


Anonymous said...

Drunk with the power. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Good luck, kiddo. I hope it's really, really boring (as opposed to finger-gnawingly stressful) and that you end up with big buckets of cash you get to apply to your own life.

Anonymous said...

(Just found your cool blog)
Sending cyber wishes and good karma for your mediation to go in YOUR favor! Terry

M-H said...

Sounds like you're well-prepared. Looking for a report later.

BeanMama said...

Major good mojo being sent your way. Sounds like you won't get bored, anyway!
Loved the dancing!
I started the riddles as well. DH is FINISHED already. I'm on #34, batch 2.

Anonymous said...

Delurking to say I hope it all went well yesterday!

Lorena said...

Ooo, yes, late to the party as always, but here are some belated (hopefully majorly celebratory) mental hugs and well-wishes!

Hannah said...

Got my fingers crossed for you. Lace can pull you through anything that the sock hasn't already fixed. Lots of good wishes.

Carrie said...

's okay if you didn't pass it on =) I break every chain letter and dish towel exchange that comes my way. I thought this was fun, and cool that you already did it! I hope your day went well. I'll be waiting to hear. I hope you get a great car, with all the bells and whistles! (figuratively) Catch ya later!

Anonymous said...

I'm a bit late, but am hoping that all went well for you and with as little stress as possible under the circumstances.

Gray said...

I hope it went well. I was thinking of you, sending practical business-y thoughts.