Tuesday, April 01, 2008

on the fly

I'm so busy today it isn't even funny. Early morning appointments, a visit to the convalescent hospital (with the dog--he did so great, and they loved him so), then back home to get him set up for the evening before I dash out to a lecture in San Francisco.

I did have time to catch up on a couple of blogs just now while slapping on a fresh coat of eyeliner and lipstick, though.

Please go check out this very informative and enlightening post over at David's. It's about eyesight trouble being linked to blog reading.
Seriously. Click through. Do it.


M-H said...

Yes, but keep the date in mind as you got here... :) That was a good one.

Anonymous said...

Too funny .. I just emailed the link to my political blog obsessed husband .. thanks!

I'm SO jealous that you have a dog you can take with you to the convalescent hospital. (And he's so damn cute!!) I had high hopes for Abby, that were quickly dashed when her true nature was revealed.

ps Oh .. goody .. I hear him laughing now ...

Carol said...

Yes, and they also say that masturbating can make you go blind.
I shan't give up either. (;