I alllllmost headed up to Santa Rosa to stalk the Yarn Harlot today, but since I have a few fun girly things already planned for myself already, I stayed local with TheMostImportantGuy.
We stopped for lunch at The Sardine Can, a place I've been wanting to try out for awhile. Not that great. Had a very overpriced (but tasty) BLT w/avocado, but there was hardly anything vegetarian for TheMIG. Very cute little place, though...so I might go back sometime to try their breakfast, but they'd already stopped serving breakfast by the time we got there.
After that, I took TheMIG for a driving tour of Mare Island and the old Naval Shipyard. It's one really strange place because it is full of history and lots of very cool old buildings, but it's become very run down since the Navy left and it's even worse since the (bankrupt) City of Vallejo has purchased it. We did happen to bump into the museum, though....and for me, that was the highlight of my day.
Check out the old prosthesis...
...that has a "tatoo"!!!
It reminds me of something another amputee said to me once. I met her only just a few weeks after getting out of the hospital. She was not wearing a prosthesis, but was using these antigue wooden crutches that she had taken to an old guy who was a whittler and he beautifully hand carved them. After she and I had talked about how she'd come to have them made she looked me right in the face and said, "Cuz sistah, ya' know if ya' gonna do this thing, you'd best look cute."
Fantastic! Attitude and then some.
I have driven by Mare Island for years. I will have to do a day trip there now and check out the museum. One of my ancestors was a coppersmith there in the teens & 20s.
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