Sunday, February 06, 2011

a single, delayed, snap

A snapshot taken Friday, that could have been posted as the "Snap On Saturday" except that I didn't have what I needed to get it off my camera, and now it's Sunday.
And I am sooooo tired.

Me at 44 with the giant cupcake that came along with TheMostImportantGuy singing Happy Birthday to me, and therefore making my birthday feel complete.

It was a fun weekend, but I am so so tired. TheMIG's band played last night (Saturday night). We weren't back from the club and wound down and sleeping until just after 3am, and then at 4am the fire alarm went off in the hotel waking up the whole damn building (some dork was smoking in one of the little closets that houses an ice machine). People were all out in the hallways in their PJ's and the alarms were screeching and strobe-type lights flashing inside the room. It took me until about 4am to fall asleep again, and then there we were this morning, by 9:30am....showered, packed, caffeinated, fed, and on the road for the long day of driving.

Long day. Very tired. Off to bed.
But happy.
Getting away was a real attitude adjuster.


(formerly) no-blog-rachel said...

Happy belated birthday! XO

Karen said...

Happy Birthday. That's one good looking cupcake. And the treat she's holding looks really good too! :)

Kathy said...

Good to get away! Happy Birthday!