Wednesday, August 22, 2012

hate me if you will, but this post is just for my own personal timeline

Riley is squinting....

...because he had a b-b in his eye....

...compliments of my next door neighbor who shot him in the face last night for barking too much.

Yes, the dog has been to the vet. No, the vet doesn't know the extent of the damage yet (Riley may be okay, but he may lose his eyesight. There is a slim chance that he may lose the eye altogether, but doubtful...more likely that he would just lose sight).  Yes, meds and procedures have been applied, and meds will continue to be applied for two weeks...and yes, we have a follow-up appointment Friday. Yes, the sheriff has been by here to take a report, and then again a second time too, to gather more info. Yes, there is a story that goes with how this all came to be, and yes, I know it is really screwed up of me not to blog more about it (but if you do recall, I've been trying to take August "off" in some fashion) I need to go now and put some more drops in the dog's eye.
And yes, go right ahead and send love and light his way.
I'm sure he would appreciate it; and so would I.
(thanks in advance)

I'm pissed off. I'm paranoid. I'm worried. I'm upset. I'm tired.


Anonymous said...

I hope your doggie will be ok~

Cate said...

oh my god. he shot your dog? I'm so sorry. Good thoughts to all of you.

The Bon said...

That's just awful and ridiculous and I'm so angry on your behalf. I hope he heals quickly and completely. xoxoxo to you guys.

Gwen said...

I am thinking really nasty language at your neighbor.

Lots of love for Riley. And all y'all. Good smooth healing and recovery.

Pickyknitter said...

It's your blog - never apologize.

Except for you crazy WV spam filter, I can't ever read that damn thing

Kerry said...

Poor Riley!!! I can't imagine what kind of an asshole must be capable of doing this. I think if I lived closer I would go pop your neighbor in the ass with a bb. Ugh. Lots of love and hugs to you all. Give Riley some extra pets for me!

Donnaj said...

Sending healing thoughts to you both from downunder.

jodi said...

Honey, this sucks. Poor Riley. What's wrong with people?

Lorena said...

What. The. Mother. F*cking. F*ck.

My first thoughts are of course for Riley, and Old Dog and Backup Dog are sending loving puppy thoughts as well.

BUT MY ANGER. Who. F*cking. Shoots. Their. Neighbor's. Dog!!! It's not like you live in Wyoming and your closest neighbor is 200 miles away. You're in the city. Just, come over! Ask to bring the dog inside! At least leave passive-aggressive notes on a car window! Sweet Zombie Jesus. See? This is why I don't carry a gun, as I would have just gone right over and cheerfully shot out an eye for an eye.

Connie said...

Indeed, sending love and light. I am so angry...

Laura said...

Augh, how awful!! You are a saint for not shooting the neighbor in the face for being an &^%$$#%^*. Sending healing thoughts for you and Riley, and hoping your neighbor gets bitten in the nuts by a rabid squirrel. I'm so sorry!!!!

Anonymous said...

Echo Jodi...what is wrong with people? Sending healing love to Riley.

Ruth Spears said...

Why couldn't he act like an adult and come tell you the dog disturbs them?

painting with fire said...

Unreal - what kind of a jerk does that!!! Hope Riley is ok and doesn't lose his sight - he's been through enough this year, as have you!

judyindiana said...

Best wishes to Riley for a complete recovery from Dusty, another much-loved Golden, and all her feline housemates. As a total animal person, this type of "human" behavior is uncomprehensible. Follow through on both criminal and civil legal actions.

Amy said...

I can't believe what your neighbor did. I am hoping that Riley makes a full recovery, and that you can recover some peace of mind as well. Hope that the Sheriff and the DA can prosecute the neighbor for animal cruelty.

Amy said...

Hope Riley makes a full recovery, and that you can recover some peace of mind. And that the neighbor is fully prosecuted and punished. What a jerk.

Ann in the UP said...

I hope things are improving each day for your dear dog. And I hope there are some repercussions for your neighbor.

Things will soon be better and you'll be able to enjoy your knitting again. To everything there is a season.

Annie40 from Ravelry.

quiltcontemplation blogspot said...

o man I dont even know what to say. i hope they do throw the book at him. what a nut job. I am wishing riley a speedy recovery.