Monday, May 01, 2006


Now that I'm occasionally walking upright with the prosthesis (no crutches or wheelchair), I have found myself wanting one of those little wrist bags for carrying small knitting projects in. But I've been balking at the price.

Because MyFK is hooked on Seasoned Seaweed Snacks and Botan Rice Candy, we occasionally stop at the Japanese Dollar Store. When I'm there, I usually find something with "Engrish" on it (I'm big fan of Engrish...basically it's when other languages, primarily Japanese, get translated to English, and the translaion completely misses the boat. Better and more detailed description found here.)

Yesterday I scored.
I found little knitting bags with Engrish on them.

And only a buck-fifty.

*Performance Reminder*

I'm performing Wednesday night with Dandelion Dancetheater. We're doing some excerpts/works in progress of Anicca (the UndressedProject...only dressed, actually).

Jewish Culture and History Series
An Evening of Contemorary Jewish Dance/Theater
Wednesday, May 3rd 2006
7:30 p.m.
University Theater

California State University, East Bay
25800 Carlos Bee Blvd, Hayward

Dandelion Dancetheater, Deborah Slater Dance Theater, Ellen Bromber, Nancy Karp + Dancers, Nina Haft & Company, and special guests.

I had a bunch more to show you, but Blogger is being a Booger and not letting me upload any more photos. I'll try later.


jodi said...

Oh my, I'm insanely jealous over your awesome little bag. The saying is perfect, so perfect.

Also. Why is there a wheelchair symbol next to the word verification? How the heck did you do that?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on losing the crutches! Big step! (no pun intended)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I'm asleep; I forgot that you already got to this stage! zzzzzzz zzz zzzzz

I also confused crutches with a cane. You get to get rid of that next -- in your own time, of course.

Kitty says it's really too early to be up and that we should go back to sleep now.

I wish you "merde" all over the place at your performance Wednesday, but only since you're the one who told us that's the appropriate wish! Cheers!

Gray said...

What a great deal on your bag. That's great that you are making so much progress with your prosthesis.

A little moror is good in miso.