Monday, April 07, 2008

jetlag has won

I am too tired to do a proper post today.
But maaaan, do I have some stories!

I'm just doing too much during the day, and I'm only getting a couple of hours of sleep each night because I can't beat the time change. Tomorrow is a little crazy, as well. I'm going to get in a visit with Sara, and then we're onto the 90th birthday dinner for grandma. I'm not sure if trying to get a post in tomorrow will be any better. It would help if I could get in even one night where I sleep for more than three hours though, so I am off to bed instead of uploading photos.

I hear Wednesday is supposed to be a mellow one before we hit the plane back home. Hope to catch up then.


M-H said...

I'm loving these posts. Look forward to the catch up.

Gray said...

How cool to follow your travels on my own home turf. I take the train through Salem daily, spend my days working in Boston and am in the other towns you mentioned often. It is easy to imagine your confusion navigating to Marblehead. I think that directional ambiguity is a matter of local pride.

Enjoy the rest of your trip!
