This time, bugs I like!
Handcrafted and sent to me by the famous JohnK of Napkin Please (Rav Link). Famous because he and his work are featured in the newly published book Knitting Art: 150 Innovative Works from 18 Contemporary Artists (although he was already famous for other things).
Congrats on the book, John!
And thank you for the scarf!!! You tooootally brought a much needed smile to my face today. The timing of picking up the mail and opening the package could not have been better staged. It was divine.
Snaps On Saturday
Taken at the 1st Annual American Canyon Music Festival today (just to show y'all what a fantastically po'dunk town I live in!):
the audience, as small as it was, was not in front of the stage, but rather on the sides, where there was shade
Wow, crazy scarf. So awesome.
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