Ohhhhh, I have been wanting one of these forever....
Well ok, what I really wanted was a deer (I have a special place in my heart for deer), and this is not a deer. It's a moose. A ChrisMoose. Heh. But I still love him so.
I found this guy last year, about a week after the holiday season during the last of the clearance sales. He was originally eighty bucks, and I got him for 75% off. Score!!! I loooove him. His head moves around and all that. Might need to knit him a scarf. ;-) The tree in front of my house needs one of those tree sweaters, too. Must get knitting.
In other knitting news, I made a really great beret out of more of that big fat yarn. I knit it up in gray, and I sewed on a smattering of these lovely black glass vintage buttons. The very first day I wore it, MyFavoriteKid was messing around with it, dropped it, and one of the buttons shattered. Now I'm kinda thinking that the beret could have a bit more slouch to it, so I think I might rip it out and re-do it. Seriously no sweat though. The yarn is so giant, the hat only took like a day to knit up.
I also working on a shawl right now, and I have finished some socks.
These were for the Sock Knitters Anonymous October challenge. This fit in the "Socks For a Cause" category because the designer donated a portion of the pattern sales to the American Diabetes Association.
I had Oct-Nov to complete them, and I went right to the wire,just finishing them today. I dug this yarn out of my stash and there wasn't enough to do a full pair in one color. To be considered for the raffle held by the group, you do have to complete a full pair, but it was okay that they were mismatched. These socks are thicker, more like house socks. Slipper socks. Damn cozy. Can't really go wrong with wool and cashmere ;-)
I had until today to cast on for the November challenge, which I am now obviously very behind on, but I started it up anyhow because there was a Mystery Sock with a techinique I haven't used much, so off I go! I have until the end of December to finish them, and maybe now that NaBloPoMo is over, I might actually get them done!

Will be back soon.
Maybe sooner than you think!