Today was a busy one, just like yesterday, only....well....busier.
Woke up at 5:45am after less than 6 hours of sleep and did the mad morning scramble with MyFavoriteKid to get him to school by 7am (drumline rehearsal before school). Performed all the household duties, got as dolled up as I could (which really meant covering the dark circles), and headed out to the Friday Knitting Group. Part of me wanted to crawl back in bed for a few more (deep) winks, but Knitting was not to be missed. We were celebrating Sarah's birthday! Yay!!
Lunch followed, and then I had to kill a couple of hours before the improv class I took myself to the fabric shop and then to Laci's for some millinery supplies (more cute hair clips are on my craftyassed horizon).
Lacis is a shop full of all sorts of creative goodness. There are supplies for knitting, sewing, making old lace, hats, corsets, you name it. It's there. And cute vintage-y stuff. But it's also a museum. And as I was just about to head to the register, I was told that the curator of the Italian Lace exhibit was arriving to give tours, and the next thing I know, I was being whisked into this back room....and look at what appeared.

A room full (this was only a smidgeon) of historic lace. As in, samples dating back to the 1600's. With a curator to explain the history of lace.
A total surprise. Just stumbled upon it. And an absolute treat, so full of information and magic samples.
Could have stayed for another hour using the provided magnifying glasses to marvel at the techniques, but I had to dash to make it to the class on time!! But I'll say it again: what a treat!