Sorry I haven't been here for awhile.
I have been saving myself for this:
Kind of like November.
This oughta get interesting.
Or something.
Happy New Year, gang!
Monday, December 31, 2007
dare me.
Posted by
3:27 PM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
pardon the (photo) pun
There may be free highspeed internet at the Disneyland hotel, but there has been no time to use it.
The weather has been rainy and cold (literally)...
...but we are still having a blast.
Oh, lookie. A built in pun.
Having once lived in a house with mice problems (old house--let us all knock on wood for there to be no mousies at the new house), AND having spent at least one or two New Year's Eve's Past home all alone....
I would never wish you either of these things.
I would especially never wish you a year full of anything that sounded like doo-dy.
Posted by
7:47 AM
Labels: traveling
Saturday, December 15, 2007
please pardon if i am missing for a week or so, but....
....I am on vacation with MyFavoriteKid.
I know it's a minor detail, but the fact that the Happiest Place On Earth has free high-speed internet access makes me pretty darn.....well.....HAPPY.
Posted by
11:07 PM
Labels: traveling
Friday, December 14, 2007
fuzzy feet
TheMostImportantGuy's FuzzyFeet
Yarn: Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Worsted...colors m-08 Wild Oak, and m-140 Aran for the cuff
Needles: US #10-1/2's dpns, Crystal Palace (bamboo)
Pattern: Fuzzy Feet by Theresa Vinson Stenerson
* I did not use a circular needle, only dpn's.
* Taking Mouse's advice, I made a longer cuff (hence using 2 colors--to make sure I had enough yarn). I did 25 rows for the cuff, 23 of them in the contrasting color, switching to do the last 2 of those rows in the main color before beginning the heel flap.
* At that point, I got all confused about the moving the marker issue, and just tossed the pattern and knit my standard sock recipe.
* I picked up two extra stitches at the gusset to avoid a hole (ala Charlene Schurch), and once the gusset decreases were complete, I knit 17 rows to match the length of his foot.
* For the toe, I had done the suggested toe decreases and the sock looked very pointy! I mean look!
Started: 11/23
Finished (knitting): 11/29
Felted: 12/11 (what a slacker I am)
On Ravelry: here
Notes: I really enjoyed making these, but I'm waiting for more feedback from TheMIG about how he likes wearing them. It seemed like they might make for sweaty feet perhaps? (ewww) If all is well, I will be making more for...well... probably everyone LOL. It was an affordable, quick project (I know it took me a few days to knit up, but with the holidays, I was barely working on it. I am sure I could do a pair in a day or two, tops). All in all, a very satisfying knit ;-)
MyFavoriteKid has asked for a pair with flames on the sides. Now I have to figure out how to do that. I'm thinking needle felting. I just ordered a bag plant dyed fiber from Simmy.
Posted by
9:23 AM
Labels: knitting
Saturday, December 08, 2007
this girl gets a few moments of alone time
Posted by
10:17 PM
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
a first real menorah
Happy Channukah, for those who celebrate. Today is the first full "day", but that means festivities started last night at sundown.
Dinner was at my house last night, and it was a great time. It was myself, MyFavoriteKid, TheMostImportantGuy, my mom, my dad, and their neighbor friend Helen, whom I absolutely adore. I think she told me that she is pushing 70, but if that is true, you'd never guess it. She's always out running around, has lots of social engagements, she exercises several times a week, is going to start going to start pilates next month, she bought herself a newer VW Bug, and she has a mouth on her.
I hope I'm like her when I grow up.
For the gift giving portion of the evening, my mom had this idea for all of us to pick names out of hat for a Secret....hmmmm...what do you call a Secret Santa gift exchange when it is Channukah?....
(have at it, Rabbitch)
Anyhow, we had an anonymous gift exchange.
There was one caveat: your gift had to come from the Dollar Store.
What a hoot.
Helen was my recipient, and I got her a big pink and yellow flower magnet for her to stick on her Bug. Teehee. It seemed to suit her. I was really looking for a tiara, though. I was thinking she'd look great in one, but the dollar store let me down. I only saw princess slippers and boas.
When it came time to open the gifts, we were supposed to somehow make a game out of it by guessing who gifted us. That didn't work out too well because a good portion of us are blabbermouths. Including me. In the case of MyFK, he was pegged instantly. He has no poker-face. As his mom, I love that. I allllllways know when he's pulling my leg.
So, back to the dinner. It was fun and yummy, and it feels so great to have a house I want to and can entertain in (functionally). It's the best. I made a couple of roasted chickens (ala Ina Garten), some green beans with shallots, and a salad with a homemade red bell pepper dressing I learned to make at the workshop I went to this weekend. My mom made potato latkes. MyFK made up the dessert trays (yes, plural) and he also set a stunning table. I am pissed I didn't get a picture of it. It was gorgeous. I think he's been reading my Martha Stewart books when he's on the can or something.
I did get a picture of the new menorah, though.
This is my first real menorah, and I love it. Up until now I have used an electric one, just like this. Functional yes (especially with pets and when MyFK was younger--he could light it himself), but this new one with the real candles looks so much more pretty. And not plastic. It represents the Tree Of Life. I hope it becomes an heirloom.
Sunset is just about here again, so it is time to light another candle!
Posted by
4:57 PM
Friday, November 30, 2007
This blog was plenty dry during the months leading up to November. Moving and performing and avoiding people and all....but daily posting has really gotten me reconnected to my blog, and I am glad for that.
I hereby promise to myself to post more frequently.
But maybe not this weekend. For starters, I have some serious ChannukahElfing to do around here (ummm, it starts like TUESDAY).
I am also going to be at a weekend long workshop about RawFoods and cleansing.
In between those two full day sessions, I will be sneaking in a date with TheMostImportantGuy to see "No Country For Old Men". He saw it a week or so ago and immediately wanted to go see it again, but he waited for me to be available (thank You).
So I'll either be wrapping gifties, staring at the silver screen, or splitting open coconuts and juicing wheatgrass all weekend. And when I'm not doing that, I'll be sneaking in special moments privately sniffing and fondling (and hopefully knitting) these:
lace--28 blue surf...worsted--52 Paris night
3 skeins of each
Malabrigo is (yarn) crack.
Thanks for stopping by this month!
Posted by
2:09 PM
Thursday, November 29, 2007
are we there yet??
Actually, I've been wondering if "we there yet" every single day since NaBloPoMo began.
Today my BloMoAss has been saved by the assistance of the mailman and another NaBloBlogger, OutOfCharacter. I strongly encourage you to give this chick a read. I can't eat or drink when I read her posts because if I do, I either choke or blow food out of my nose because I am laughing so hard. Go over there and read her entire month of November. You won't be bored. I promise you. You will love me for it.
Well, the ErinTheBlogMistress is also a little crafty. She has a etsy shop full of sock zombies.
The first one I ordered I THINK was this guy/girl/thing??):
The reason I'm not sure if this is the actual zombie I ordered, is because "It" was with me for only about 22 seconds. See, I had ordered "It" for myself. "It" arrived by post the same day as Hamish, who was called forth from the internets to go cheer up J, who has been in the hospital for a very loooong time.
While I was packing Hamish and the other assorted goodies into the gift bag for J, "It" jumped in. And when "It" got to the hospital, "It" jumped onto her lap, and she laughed and rubbed "It's" tummy.
Love, it was.
They were meant for each other, I tell ya'.
So I ordered another zombie for myself.
This new zombie arrived today, and the moment "ItSquared" popped out of the package, MyFavoriteKid yelled, "Ian!!!"
me: "Ian???!?!?"
MyFK: "Yeah! Ian!!!!! Ian loves me!!"
me: "Nuh uhhhhhh. Ian is MINE. Mine MINE MINE!" (this girl does not share toys well)
MyFK: "NO! He is mine!!! He matches my room!!! He wants to be with ME!!"
Well, ya' got me there. I knew I shoulda ordered the orange one. DANG IT.
Zombie-less again.
As I sit here typing this, MyFK is doing homework at the diningroom table (in otherwords, we are both doing homework), but MyFK just popped up for the third time now to go into his bedroom to check on "It".
Excuse me.
I mean, IAN.
He says Ian is sleeps with his eyes open.
Posted by
2:56 PM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
how i woke up this morning
My alarm clock goes off on the weekday mornings to the radio (on the weekends, it doesn't go off at all--YAY!).
The radio is set to KFOG, which is not my favorite radio station for the rest of the day usually, but it IS my all-time favorite channel for waking up to. They are usually playing some sort of mellow "classic" not too oldie, or something new but acoustic, and if it isn't music playing, then they are talking. I have noooo trouble at all being woken from a dream by the smiling deep voice of Dave Morey or the outbursts of laughter coming Renee Richardson. Anything on that channel in the morning sort of eases me into my day and I just sort of listen and wake up slowly. If whatever they are talking about or playing aint workin' for me, I hit snooze a couple of times and wait for the GetYourSlackerAssOutOfBedNOW alarm to go off (the grating beeping thing).
So this morning the radio alarm went off, and the first thing I heard was Dave saying that he was going to play a soundbyte from something he'd found on YouTube. It was from a Disability Awareness event held at Fenway Park.
Being a gimp and all, it peaked my curiosity, so I didn't hit snooze.
As the clip played, I at first got really nervous. Like realllllly nervous. Panic attack nervous, almost. But I hung in there. And I am glad I did. A little further in, I was able to smile.
Here it is.
It was a good way to start my day.
Posted by
6:51 PM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
pay it forward
I cannot believe I am getting in a NaBloPoMo post this early in the morning. Dude, I haven't even had my cup o' tea yet.
It's kind of freeing, I tell ya'.
Not as freeing as December 1st will be, but yes. Freeing.
The only reason I have blog fodder this early in the day is because late night blog reading occasionally presents something cool, and this is what I found last night before I hit the sack.
I'd seen this crafty PayItForward thing whizzing around blogland, and I finally decided to bite the hook when I found a way in over at No-Blog-Rachel's blog. (And yes, I just find it damned odd that No-Blog-Rachel actually HAS a blog. I think she needs to be Why-Yes-In-Fact-I-Do-Have-A-Blog-Rachel. Or something.).
Here's the deal:
I will send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange. I don’t know what that gift will be yet and you may not receive it tomorrow or next week, but you will receive it within 365 days. That is my promise. The only thing you have to do in return is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog.
I think this is really cool, and although I believe this round of PIF originated in eh KnitBlogCommunity, and although I love all things knitting and the whole KnitterlyGang out there, what I gift may not be handknit. It might. It might not. Just thought I'd mention that.
I'm kinda feeling crafty these days, and I am thinking this might just be the swift kick in the ass I need to do something different. I welcome anyone out there reading this who can create anything interesting to consider it being "handmade". Why can't a poet or a musician or something be one of the three who sign up. Why not?!!
Goodness, I hope I'm not being an anarchist and breaking the rules by suggesting that (umm yah, I'd just hate to be a rule breaker), but hey...handmade is handmade. So long as it can be gifted away, right??). And of course, knitters be welcome. I'm just sayin'. No one needs to be left out here, eh?
So. Do ya' wanna?
Posted by
9:07 PM
Labels: joining, NaBloPoMo, PayItForward
Monday, November 26, 2007
deck the hills
Do any of you buy into the concept that we choose our destinies before we were born? That we draft some sort of karmic contract? That we "sign up" for the stuff life deals us?
If you do, then you believe that I have pre-arranged to have wacked out neighbors....and I just cannot believe I would ever draft that.
Let's see. First, I had this lovely view of the San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge.
Which my neighbor installed a tent in front of.
And he was totally pleased about the fact that it pissed me off. Which it did. Especially when the damn thing proved to be wind and rain proof........and even more so when he fixed the tent with duct tape. That was lovely.
So then I move to my new home, and find that I have a neighbor on the hill above me, and he has a trampoline overlooking my yard.
Not as bad as the tent, and I feel ripped off having never seen anyone jumping on it. Unfortunately when it comes to wind and rain, the trampoline doesn't fare as well as the tent, though.But the owner puts it back up after it blows down, and I do not believe with duct tape, and besides...he doesn't seem to care about my existence, so at least he's not intentionally trying to piss me off with his yard ecoutrement.
I'd say it's an improvement.
Last night I discovered that I now have another new decorative neighbor!! Well, I kind of had a hunch they'd pull something. Let me show you why. Here's the wide angle:
This is my street, and these are my neighbors. Only a sliver of my house is showing. I am that little bit of blue down at the very end of the street, on the right there. Next to the yellow house with the street lamp. Up above my house, you can see TrampolineGuy's crib. Now, I ask you to sort of look at the (sadly) cookie cutter-ness of the hood. It's not my favorite way to live, but as you can see, we do have sort of a theme going on. Now look back up on the hill at the house that is two houses to the left of TrampolineGuy's.
Here. Let me help.I mean, I think the southern plantation theme is okay I guess. A little odd, but I actually am tickled for them that they're breaking the mold. Even if every time I look at it, it seems a wee bit out of place to me. They host lots of parties and light all of those terraces up, and I can hear people talking and laughing, and I sit out back in my own yard with a glass of wine imagining who's up there. Y'all.
But guess what. The PlantationTerracePartyPeople added a new feature last night! Can you see it??What about now??
Yes. That would be a four-friggin'-story high Christmas tree-ish light display thing. The windows of the house next to it? That is their 2nd floor.
Again, an improvement. I agree. I'm not bitching. Really. I'll take a festive holiday display over a soggy tent ANY day.
But in my own sick and twisted way, I can't wait to see what the wind and rain are going to do to THIS one ;-)
Posted by
11:03 PM
Labels: NaBloPoMo
Sunday, November 25, 2007
the home stretch
25 down, 5 to go. Thank goodness, eh?
Well, for those following along, apology accepted. What a relief. I was so very sad. It pains me to no end put distress and displeasure on the face of someone I love so much.
That's actually somewhat new to me, I am sorry to say. Up until I few years ago, I used to be such a button pusher.
I grew up in a family that sort of thrived on chaos and emotional upheaval. I don't expect all relations to be a perfect happy-go-lucky thing, and I don't try to hide strong feelings when I have them (but I would like to learn to present them better). But my family of origin?? They didn't only believe that a little upset was normal--no--they believed that upset and anger and chaos were some of the very things that made life exciting and vibrant. I remember as a kid being stressed by situations and be told, "Awww, c'mon!! Wouldn't life be BORING without shit happening??" (okay, they didn't say shit...but you get the gist).
It's taken me a very long time to get it through my thick skull that I do not have (or want to have) that belief system, and that just because it is the belief system I grew up in, it is not mine. I actually really LIKE an anger free environment, thank you very much. But I have more practice with chaotic environments than I do with calm ones, so sometimes I fuck up and make a mess out just out of habit.
Anyhow, all is quiet on the western front again here, and handknitted warmth for him still comes from my hands.
Posted by
10:31 PM
Saturday, November 24, 2007
I sit here feeling like I need to say more than I'm sorry....
but I am no good with words.
Instead, I try knitting you something, to make you warm.
Feeling like my own apologetic words are not enough...
Feeling like warmth coming from my hands is not enough...
I turn to the all knowing internets.
Surely someone else has written a powerful sentiment that rings true,
and I shall offer that!!
In my quest for the perfect apology, I end up here...
and I laugh at myself.
And feel a little better.
I decide that offering the laugh is a better choice than someone else's words.
If that doesn't work, maybe I'll try the mature glamour stockings, or perhaps some black ghetto booty.
Really, though. I know that an apology is not enough, and that what really You require is my understanding.
I DO understand. And I am sorry.
Posted by
6:49 PM
Friday, November 23, 2007
nablomis interruptis
Once again, it's just before midnight and I've realized that I have yet to post today. It's 11:36pm, and I cannot be bothered with NaBloPoMo tonight because TheMostImportantGuy's cousin and her hubby are visiting tonight, and we're busy getting her knitting her very first socks!!!
She's a relatively new knitter and has done scarves and hats. When she got here tonight, I had a gift bag waiting for her with a set of sock needles and a ball of self-striping yarn. I showed her how to turn a heel and pick up gusset stitches on the pair of FuzzyFeet I am working on.
We are having a blast. It's almost midnight and we are all sitting around in the living room together right now. The boys are talking about all things business and computer and geeky....and meanwhile, us girls are knitting away. GirlCousinTurnedSockKnitter will occasionally whisper, "Blue!!"...."Yellow!" She is totally entranced with the color changes, and it's totally cracking me up.
I swear I'll try to get in a non-last-minute-post before the weekend is over!!!
Posted by
11:37 PM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
on being thankful
You know, I didn't have my usual Ooey-Gooey-I-Am-Feeling-Thankful-Emo-Thing this year. Usually I have at least one of those moments when this day rolls around. Pass me the tissues.
This year was different, I think, because for the past several months, at some point every single morning, I take a minute or two and count my blessings. If I'm not up for counting them all, I try to at least think of just one and focus on that, and experience gratitude. It's been a really wonderful practice, and reflecting in this way seems to take away the desire to steep in it annually.
I hope (for those celebrating or not) that it was a wonderful day....and I hope for every day to be as wonderful.
Posted by
8:02 PM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
squeechin in at the last minute
Yes. I was doing the Yay!-I'm-going-to-bed dance, going around the house and turning off all the lights. I'm allllll ready for cozy time and making an indent in my memory foam pillow.
But NOoooooooo.....I forgot to post today. So here I am, and it's almost midnight.
Was NaBloPoMo this hard last year?
Is it different this year because the dinner is at my house and guests are coming to stay for the weekend?
I ask myself these questions, and many others....and in fact, here ARE the other questions I found me asking myself today, because I actually wrote them all down on a piece of scrap paper, just for you:
Where did my parenting skills go? Did I leave them packed in a box??
Is there a link between feeling like I don't spend as much time with MyFavoriteKid and the fact that my house is generally cleaner?
When did I become a bag washing hippy?? With a BAG DRYER.
I really do not wear about half the clothes in my closet...isn't it time I either wear them or get rid of them?
Why does my 18 year old cat always lay sleeping on the bed with his eyes open?
So my heart can stop at least once a day because I think he's dead?
Why is it that when a part of someone's mind goes, that they don't lose the part that is impatient and rude to people?
Is 11:45am too early to be drinking Baileys on the rocks? (probably)
Is that a sign that something aint quite right in my life? (probably)
Do I really need to follow this knitting pattern or do I know enough by now to just make shit up?
How long will it take my Thanksgiving guests to realize that my plan to potluck it basically got everyone else but me doing the work?
I might have had answers for some of these questions, except that I answered the Baileys question first (with a no and a yes), and after having a couple of those, well.....
I gotta go make dents in pillows. 'Night
Posted by
11:51 PM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
the easy way out still counts
Today's hits to the blog from the statscounter:
14.29% dolphin gets tail
14.29% knitting
14.29% dishwasher kiss
14.29% ello john things are getting better,i just bought a brand new sweater
14.29% amputeehee
14.29% amputee crutching
14.29% fireplace bookcase
I can account for every one of these, including the kissing of the dishwasher.
Except that one there in the middle.
What the f%$# is that?????
Sorry for the short post, but I just have had ENOUGH today. Of EVERYTHING.
I am a crabcake.
Posted by
9:47 PM
Monday, November 19, 2007
knitting knews: two-toned ribbed shrug
I have been going through some photos of the last two year's worth of FO's (FinishedObjects, knitting), as I am verrrry slowly adding them to my ravelry page. Seeing what I had knit in '05 and '06 compared to this year's measly haul has been pretty shocking. I haven't knit diddly-squat!!! I mean, I definitely put myself on "knitting restirction" so I could use that time to purge and pack and move and then unpack....and then after that, there were the performances. But still!!! This year has been almost fiberless!! Gah!
I intend to remedy that, starting now...but of course, updating ones ravelry page with all of that previous knitting history, and then getting lost in the mindblowing potential projects section listed over there...that can sort of can keep one away from the ACTUAL KNITTING TIME one might have available to them....
is anyone feeling me here????
Anyhow, here's something to add to my list '07 FO's:
Two-Toned Ribbed Shrug
Yarn: Cascade 220 Paints, color 9928-Dark Sunset, for the body
and Cascade 220, color 8555-black, for the collar and sleeves
Needles: US #7's and #5's, KnitPicks Options
Pattern: Two-Toned Ribbed Shrug, from Stephanie Japel's Fitted Knits
Size: 17" (measurement from shoulder-tip to shoulder-tip)
Modifications: on the sleeves, when I changed to the CC for cuffs, I did 1 row of purl before switching to the rib to eliminate any odd color transition
Started: sometime in September, with the intention of having it done by early October. The plan was for me to use it to keep my shoulders warm at all of the dance rehearsals. Sadly, that didn't happen, even though it was a very simple and quick knit. I got stuck picking up stitches for the collar, as somehow I kept getting the wrong number. I didn't have the attention span for anything more than mindless, so it got set aside until after the run of all the shows. It will still get plenty of use, for sure. I love it.
Finished: November 18th, 2007
Notes: The Cascade 220 Paints bleeds. This was originally a much darker, sultry red, and the variegation was more subtle. During the post-knit soak, a whoooole lot of color came out. There are even a few places that now seem purple-ish, which was not at all present pre-washing. I am still pleased, but I preferred the original colorway. This yarn also expanded post-wash, but I knew that because I had washed my test swatch, and so planned for that accordingly when determining which size to knit. The swatch did not, however, release as much dye as the finished project, so when the color changed on the actual knit, I was quite surprised.
Final Verdict: I like it! It's a good fit, although on me, the collar folds down behind my neck. I guess I don't have one of those giraffe necks like the model in the book ;-) The only trouble I have with this garment is taking it OFF. It requires reaching behind myself in a way that is somewhat problematic (my arm doesn't go in that direction anymore because of the accident and all of the plates and screws in there). I have found a method, but I look a little silly doing it, so once this puppy is on, it stays on...because I have to be willing to be seen contorting my face along with my body while I do the Houdini-thang.
I would make this again.
Posted by
4:53 PM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
can i go back now, please?
The weekend was great.
We started with a pit-stop at my favorite winery.
I know. Roasted garlic is not RawFood. Neither is imported cheese or rosemary flatebread :-)
We got to our destination, and checked in at the front desk for keys. Before going to our room, we stopped by the spa office to see if there were any slots available for massages later in the evening. There were two slots at the same time, but for then and there, on the spot. We went for it, and we separately, but simultaneously, both got all rubbed down. Then we went over to the dining hall and had a delicious vegetarian dinner. All of this was before we even made it over to our room or unloaded our car. It was already dark by the time we got there.
The room was more amazing than I had expected. It was this enormous dome shaped thing.
It was acoustically entertaining.
Outside of our room was a pool that was fed by the hot-springs, so we got to take a nice quiet soak before going to sleep.
Check out the view from the room I woke up to the next morning.
Saturday was more of the same. Body work, food, love, knitting (hey, I even finished something! pictures tomorrow), rest, soaking, peace, quiet. And Sunday was even more of the same.
Spoiled. Rotten.
I'm trying not to be a poo-butt, but the shift back to reality is proving a little difficult, as I sit here and type this. I think I will go to sleep now, close my eyes, and try to rewind the weekend in my mind a bit so I can prolong the happy feelings.
Posted by
10:13 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Posted by
9:06 AM
Labels: NaBloPoMo
Friday, November 16, 2007
the one in the black
Every time I go to one of these gothic-y industrial-ish things, I always seem to forget there is a dress code.
You know. "Oh yeah! Just look for me when you get there, dude! I'll be the one in the black."
Yeah well, leave it to me to show up looking like this.How very gothic of me. hahahahahaha
Super shiny silver leather, a turtleneck, and a honking strand of freshwater pearls.
Well, at least I sorta got the bottom half right, I guess.Mini-skirt, fishnets, black boot and kneesock (singular), which has a cute pink bow. Oh. And let us not forget the matching handbag LOL.
Actually, I felt great about what I had on. I've been working on making a new look for myself, and this is workin' just fine by me.
In all seriousness, I have never been one to care much about fitting in. Did I ever tell you that I was nominated "Most Unique Senior" even though the ballots were cast only two weeks after I had started attending the high school? I didn't even KNOW anyone there, I was new to the school, and I got nominated as most unique senior as a WRITE IN. Let just say,...I uhhh...sorta stuck out (and that was when I had TWO legs! maybe that's why I didn't win?!!)
Anyhow, I thought I looked cute last night. And TheMostImportantGuy thought I looked great (he said so like three times--yay!)...but hey...he was also the only other person in the place besides me not wearing black. He was wearing red.
TheMIG was in the headlining band AND he was the sound engineer for the whole night.
I looooove it when he's in that role. I spend most of the night just watching his hands push buttons and twist knobs. It is one of my favorite pastimes and fascinates me to no end.
I love His hands. I could watch them for hours.
Although, I equally like watching him when he drums, because he sort of "goes somewhere," and I really like watching that shift in Him.
It was one of the first things I adored about Him, because I "go there" too when I dance.
We are headed out of town for a romantic getaway to a quiet place that has no tv's or phones in the rooms, and is out of range of cell phone service. I am hoping I am able to find a way to post tomorrow somehow, otherwise I will have NaBloBlownIt.
Posted by
10:24 AM
Labels: NaBloPoMo
Thursday, November 15, 2007
the midway i'm a slacker post
Actually, I'm surprised I've made it this far with resorting to things like this, but today it just must be so.
You Are Sunrise |
![]() You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary. You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward. Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts. All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be. |
I landed on this quiz courtesy of Donna.
And you are getting it courtesy of whatever it is still making me feel like crap.
All I've been able to eat over the past two days are a bowl of miso soup, a glass of almond milk, a glass of fresh squeezed apple juice, and last night I finally graduated to a bowl of rice. Not raw. LOL
I'm also having some insomnia problems, too. I just can't get tired enough to find sleep. I keep going around the house in circles getting distracted by task after task, but of course, never finishing anything. Staying up late last night to get suckered into Project Runway for the first time really didn't help matters much, so thanks very much to you sucker-inners, and you know who you are (although KarenTheDancingLurker will thank you, as now we will have something else to talk about every Thursday before class).
I'm going out of town tomorrow for the weekend (and I sure hope I can find wi-fi on Saturday, or I am screwed with the NaBloPoMo thing, but whatever....anniversaries are so much more important), so today I have lots to do to get ready, and I'm feeling really drained and not quite up to the task.
I also have a verrrrry late night ahead, way down in the South Bay. TheMostImportantGuy is drumming behind an electronic musician who will be performing live down there. Anyone want to come keep me company? Drinks are on me.
Of course, I'll probably still be sipping apple juice. But you can have whatever you want. If you get toasted and make an ass out of yourself, I will laugh at you. But I promise not to post about it tomorrow.
Oh, and I did participate in something a little bit more involved that the quiz. Go check out this entry at PilgrimSteps and make some poetry!
Posted by
9:40 AM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
thanks overdue
Almost done with the rewind into Sep/Oct...and my apologies to those who can't stand it when bloggers do the backtrack but, well, sorry. My blog. No likey??? No clicky, no scrolley.
I want to say thanks to people who sent me some stuff.
This first goes wayyy back. I ordered a set of K-N-I-T stitch markers from Mouse's etsy shop, Mousie Masala. At the time the package arrived, I wasn't knitting things that require markers, so I tucked the package away. Then there was the Age Of No Knitting, where I put the needles down entirely (*gasp*) in order to pack up for moving day.
I recently cast on for a shrug and needed a couple markers, and it was like getting a gift a second time when I found the package in my knitting bag. Mouse had thrown in a few extras, plus a pair of earrings and a fimo button, which is going on another Calorimetry that I am about to cast on for (it is getting cold here!!). But I absolutely adore the high-top tennis shoe. I am a collector of Chuck Taylors in odd patterns and colors.
Thank You, Mouse!!
More recently (but not by much) I ordered a T-shirt from Jodi Green's etsy shop.
I love the shirt. Hell, I love everything she has ever sent me. I have a piece of art of hers that is undergoing a framing project of epic proportions. It's almost done. It requires some special hanging doodads, but I bought them, and TheMostImportantGuy and I will hopefully get it mounted this next week so I can show it to you. I think I'll need to shoot a pic of me wearing the shirt in front of the art. It all sort of works together.
Anyhow, Jodi also very kindly sent MyFavoriteKid some dvd's of their favorite thing in common, Naruto. And she also added into the package this little book for me.
I just adore it. I think she had take some old prints and cut them and bound them. I flip through it all the time. It sends me to a special place because it's kind like holding a little kids board book. The pages have sort of a "feel" to them, which I also love, as they are layered with printing materials that give them texture. I also like that every time I look at it, I see something new.
Thank You, Jodi!!!
Inky sent me the coolest Housewarming/Halloween basket:
The Lindt chocolate was promptly inhaled, the earing promptly worn (made by Mrs.Inky herself---hey Inky, do you sell stuff? Is there a link I can add?) There were spooky sprinkles for baking, and a pasta blend that included black bat noodles.
My favorite thing in the basket was this little dude.
I just think he is so funny, and he made me smile all through October every time I saw him. I just packed him up with the Halloween decorations this week when I put them away, but I might need to go back and fish him out. I miss him.
And last, but not least, let us not forget the missing leg lollipop:
What a crack up. I almost died when I saw it. Apparently you can build a whole skeleton if you "collect them all". Inky even got me the anatomically correct (ie: missing) leg.
Thank You, Inky!!!!
I met up with Gayle of All Things Home for a cup of tea and chit chat, and she gave me some really great books.
They are compilations of essays by Laurie Colwin, who was a contributor to Gourmet magazine. I love all things food and kitchen, and these books have been a great read.
Thank You, Gayle!
Last, but not least, I got one great housewarming gift from the (blogless) occasional commenter, KarenTheDancingLurker (by the way, Karen, if you comment, you are no longer lurking *ducks*).
I set of Fred Astaire movies!!! She and I are both big fans, and we even went out together over the summer to see a couple of his movies played on the big screen. I have a few of his movies on videotape, but have never had them on dvd. I am so excited, and I can guarantee you that this will make my winter of sipping yummy libations by the fire just perfect.
The also included some words with her card. I love what it says, and it is on my fridge.
Thank You, Karen!!!
I think that wraps up the rewind.
With NaBloPoMo, one never knows.
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1:02 PM
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