Too many photos (sorry) from the weekend.
MyFavoriteKid was with his dad for the weekend, so after the kid transfer was made, TheMostImportantGuy and I took Riley to the dog park.

Clearly he was happy.
So was the dog that found the mud puddle:

And so were these guys, who came right up to us and just jumped onto TheMIG's lap and took a seat:

Then we went to the Pumpkin Party at Phil's. He made a green salad with roasted beets and toasted pumpkin seeds, a pumpkin curry with homemade tempeh, pumpkin gnocci in a walnut sage sauce, pumpkin chocolate brownies, and pumpkin cardamom ice cream (the greatest).
While I was there I carved my pumpkin.

She's meditating ;-)
We changed clothes for the evening and waited at a new Tiki Bar for our friends to pick us up to head over to the show. We are definitely going to need to go back to the Tiki Bar. Very cute.
Then on to San Francisco.

I'm not sure if I can tell you how much fun I had in San Francisco (but I will try). The company was grand (this would be TheMIG's co-worker and his wife...and I really enjoy both of them). We had a fantastic Italian dinner in North Beach first, and then us girls were treated to a bottle of champagne at the show.
Ok. The show.
Well, I had no idea what I was in for. I'd never heard of either band, and I didn't do any research before going, so it was a total surprise.
We ended up there because TheMIG's friends are big fans of the opening act, Project Pimento. Very fun lounge music. The singer has a really drippy sultry voice, and the unique thing about the band is that one of the guys plays a theramin, which I'd never seen before.
But Richard Cheese? Oh. My. God.
The band didn't allow photos, and I linked to a video last night for you, but that clip really doesn't do him justice. The band was amazing, and Richard Cheese himself? I laughed so hard for so long that my face hurt, and I am totally not kidding you at all when I say I had no mascara on by the end of show because I was laughing so hard I was crying it off.
What these guys do is take all sorts of tunes (rap, hip-hop, industrial, etc etc) and turn them into Las Vegas style lounge music, basically. And there was way more adult content than what you saw on the tv video clip.
The other highlight of the show was just getting see the Bimbo's 365 Club, because I have never been there. It's like being in a time warp. I mean, the bar tenders still wear white service coats and there was an attendant in the bathroom. It was a total throwback, and the place was gorgeous.
Also cool was getting to see Coit Tower on the eve of it's 75th Anniversary.

As for Sunday....
I have no photos! But here's how it went:
I skipped the ecstatic dance thing in lieu of going to a favorite breakfast spot, to another dog park, and then for a visit to a hot tub place for an hour soak (drag, huh?). Then I met KarenTheDancingLurker and went to Terrain's dance production to see some great work, and after that, out to dinner with TheMIG at a favorite local mexican restaurant of ours.
Then home. Phew! It was a really great weekend.
On another note, over the last couple of weeks, it has been brought to my attention by several people, that I leave you guys hanging. Lots. I start a thought, I start telling you a story, and then I don't finish it. Like the visit with the monk. Or the gallbladder. I'm sure there are more.
I don't mean to do that. See, events happen, and then in some strange way I wrap things up in my head, and then life propels me forward very quickly onto (or into) the next thing. It's like I wrap them up in a neat and tidy package before I have time to get my thoughts out of my head, down my arms, into my fingers and typed onto a page. What happens is that I'm not in the same place anymore, and that happens rapidly.
So I'm thinking about ways to fix that. And then hopefully I will do more than just think about it, and actually DO something about it.